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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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In no sport does the taper carry the same mythical quality as in swimming. In reality, the taper is nothing more than a phase in training shown by years of evidence to have improved the performance of athletes at season’s end. Over time, the taper has become a longstanding tradition complete with all the touches of cultural rites…you begin an arduous crucible to forge one’s mettle followed a celebration with feasts (carbo load), alterations to the human body (shave down), special attire (racing suits), and perhaps a journey to battle with rival tribes (conference, nationals, worlds, Olympics).

Tapers are as much art as science, but it helps to know what science tells us, in part to explain why some tapers worked and why some didn’t. Coaches often think “their” taper is the best (just like “their” dryland program is the best), but maximal performance depends on optimizing the taper to the individual athlete’s needs. k is easier said than done in a team setting, but we should at least recognize the different variables.

Some differences are intrinsic to the athlete while others are extrinsic. Every athlete changes from one year to the next. We’re all one year older and have more lifetime yardage in our bodies. Youth and adolescents may go through several years of biological development in one calendar year! That doesn’t mean the taper needs to change every year, since the routine of a standard taper is often mentally comforting, but knowing that change is inevitable is one reason to reevaluate our programs each year.

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