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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
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By Shev Gul – London



Introducing a new swimming training and competition category to our sport.

A. Short Medley (SM) – LA category – FC/BC

B. Short Medley (SM) – SA category – FLY/BS

Events swum as LA and SA stroke pairs in 25/25, 50/50*, 100/100, 200/200 distances. (*) See the below considerations for the 50/50 energy delivery system.

These new swimming events would bring some fresh excitement to our sport and new challenges for the competitive athletes. By incorporating more drills and practices with the emphasis on the similar axis stroke grouping (FC/BC-LA, FLY/BS-SA) teaching stroke technique process would be made more streamlined, more focused, axis specific, accelerated learning, naturally progressive and more correctly taught.

In addition, the muscle memory ingraining and co-ordination transfer would flow naturally from one stroke to the next (these areas well covered at ASCA World Clinics 1999 and 2000).

In order to provide the above benefits to our swimmers, coaches could consider the following points (as suggested by T. Laughlin in response to my article SG/07/01).

a) Teach drills so that common – axis strokes compliment each other.

b) Give more sets in which swimmers alternate FC/BC in the same set and FLY/BS in the same set.

c) Have informal team trials or district competitions offering short medley (SM) events in these distances.

A national and international postal competition in the short medley events would be an attractive proposition to be considered.

Can you imagine how exciting and challenging it would be if a competitive swim meet was based mainly around short medley, standard IM and relay medley events? I personally think that medley exclusive swim meets would contribute a great deal to the development of our sport.


Summary of training/swimming development benefits and tri- energy system considerations:

Age Group swimmers’ training based around the common-axis strokes approach will speed up the correct stroke technique acquisition process. Short medley (SM) events can contribute a great deal to that process. Also, SM categories can be used to enhance 10-14 year olds Age Group training programs by including it as a substitute to 100m sprint events. At this distance, the three energy systems (ATP, anaerobic and aerobic) overlap. In the 10-14 age group the anaerobic component of the energy delivery system is not yet fully developed. Therefore, there is really no logic in our coaches continuously trying to over stress and over stretch to its extreme limits an energy system, which is still in its biological development phase.

By delaying the use of 100m events for 10-14 year olds, we may even hit the gold! … i.e. by finding a partial answer to the early burning syndrome associated with our sport. For example, the tri-energy system training associated with 100m events can be replaced with 25/25 FC/BC, 25/25 FLY/BS, the SM common- axis stroke events. 100/100 and 200/200 are other aerobic based SM combinations. The 50/50 SM event (100m event) can still be used (with short intervals between each 50) instead of 100m in sprint training.

I would like to thank J. Leonard and T. Laughlin for responding to my original proposal on the short medley concept and for encouraging me to summarise my thoughts with this article. I look forward to hear ASCA members/coaches valued opinions and their help to fine-tune the above covered short medley concept so that our swimmers and our sport can benefit fully.

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