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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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The prelim/final nature of swimming puts great importance on morning swims. In many instances, posting top times in the morning separates scoring and watching at a finals session. Simply put, some swimmers are better in the evening than night. One plausible explanation of this is diurnal variation. Diurnal variation is a chronotype reflecting what time of day a person's physical function is most active.

Most people have a lower level of arousal, hormonal level, and body temperature in the morning preventing them from achieving optimal morning performance. These slow starters are at a disadvantage for prelim/final competitions. Times of swim meets are not going to change in swimming. If you're a slow starter, quit complaining and take an active role in improving your chronotype!

A few studies have specifically looked at swimming and suggested performing more warm-up offsets these differences (Deschodt 2004). Despite popular belief, performing morning practice is not suggested to improve diurnal variation. Ensure you swimmers warm-up properly for maximal results, in the morning more is typically better!

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