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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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  • The development of an adequate background of a 3-5 year period is necessary for developing elite sprinters. The establishment of this aerobic base must be done without sacrifice to speed.
  • Try to avoid early specialisation in sprint swimming. US Olympic Coach claims that sprinting is hurting from the effects of Junior Nationals, which was introduced in 1977. That is, sprinting too often, too early has hindered US sprinting performances internationally in recent years. As a result, athletes have been failing to gain an adequate aerobic base. Whereas, Tom Jager and Mark Spitz had come into opening swimming with great aerobic backgrounds.
    Sprinting short intense workouts at early ages may look like it pays dividends, but it fails to provide an aerobic base for future long-term development.
    Are coaches trying to make "VWs into Formula 1 racing cars?"
  • Train the sprinter in all the Heart Rate zones or use all the energy systems when training sprinters. The traditional Aussie Heart Rate set may be of little value to the "white fibre" athlete.
  • Starting, turning and finishing skills need to be at an excellent level for success in sprint events.
  • Sprinters need excellent stroke mechanics at all training speeds. Mini Max sets are valuable training sets for your sprinters – i.e. the count descend training is vital for the 100m swimmers.
    (Stroke # + times = N, N descends) minimum/maximum. The key to swimming fast (sprinting) is maintaining stroke technique at high speeds after fatigue has set in.
  • Power work in the pool and sprint assisted swimming seems to enhance sprint performance.
  • Sprinters often require long tapers for peak performances. When in doubt – rest more.
  • Coaches must be flexible in programming work for their sprinters. More "art" or feel may be required in training the sprint athlete. Look for over-training symptoms, increase in resting pulse (10bpm), fluctuation in weight, changes in sleep hours, change in appetite, grouchiness, darkness under the eyes, etc.
  • Hypoxic work has value in sprint preparation.
  • Sprinters to race more 200m races in competitions to improve their 100m events (especially the finishes of the 100m race).
  • Swim downs for sprinters often need to be long because of the high levels of lactates they produce during races. Re Lactates from the "Tip Top" Camp.
  • Limiting frontal resistance is essential to fast swimming.
  • Relay racing fosters fast sprinting.
  • A properly designed landwork and weights program seems to be extremely beneficial to the sprint athlete. Clubs with weight rooms (gyms) near their pools have an advantage in developing sprint athletes.
  • There is a need for regular (high level) competition so our sprinters can develop better racing skills. In other words, sprinters need to compete often and hard to enhance their skills (match fitness) – the positive pressure of good competition.
  • Alactic (HVOs) and Speed Drills are needed on a regular basis to maintain and enhance sprint ability.
  • Training Short Course especially in quality work is valuable in sprint training.
  • Our sprint programs need to be more individualised rather than a scaled down mid distance program. (Individualised programs or Special Sprint Sessions.)
  • Confidence is a key ingredient in sprinting.
  • "If you want to swim fast, you must swim fast at the training pool." This would include fast kick, pull and swim sets. The amount or percentage of this type of work is the "million dollar" question.
  • For successful sprinting, we need to have talented athletes – along with coaches who will allow and help that talent to mature.
  • Think Fast!
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