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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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The difference between elite breaststroke swimmers and novice swimmers is immense. Unfortunately, many think elite breast swimmers are one of a kind, products of nature, not nurture. I feel breast is the easiest stroke to develop. Anyone with adequate flexibility, proper timing, ability to accelerate, and a straight bodyline (TAB) is capable of elite breaststroke.

where I discussed TAB, make sure to read that article (and like it while you're there) first. This article provides support to TAB. Don't worry, there is a method to the madness! First and foremost, TAB will help poor breast swimmers become great. However, elite (sub 1:00 LCM) breast swimmers must have extreme ranges of motion (especially hip and knee external rotation, and foot supination (Jagomägi 2005)), but to do an adequate breastroke, to fake your way through an IM, all you need is TAB.

Timing is the most important variable in breast. The breast glide phase is essential and if not used it is difficult improve. Many novice breast swimmers overlap contradictory phases.

was mainly caused by the superposition of their leg extension and the second part of their arm recovery, indicating a technique with no glide time between the arm recovery and the leg extension. In terms of phase duration, the recreational swimmers spent more time in arm recovery and in propulsive phases (Leblanc 2009).

At the same given speed, recreational swimmers used no glide phase which increased the relative contribution of their recovery and propulsive phases.

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