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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
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By David Pyne

Sports Physiologist, Australian Institute of Sport


Designing effective training sets is a daily responsibility for swimming coaches. Irrespective of the level of the group or of individual swimmers, training must be well planned and specific for the needs and abilities of the swimmers. Workouts are generally planned in advance, but may need modifying depending on the readiness and/or fatigue levels of the swimmers at the time of training.

The following workout is classified as a moderate intensity aerobic workout of 6,500m that encompasses several features of interest. This workout would be suitable for a well-trained group of age group of senior level swimmers. Younger or less skilled swimmers may need to reduce the number and length of efforts and increase the cycle (work:rest ratio) times.

The workout is…

3x800m as


800m FS



2x400m as



FS/BK x 50’s on 5:40,



BK on 6:00,



4x200 as



FS on 2:45,



FS/BK x 50’s on 2:50,



IM on 3:00,





4x400m as


2x200m FS/BKx50 on 2:50 or 3:00,



4x100m IM on 1:30, 1:40,



2x200m FS/BKx50 on 2:50 or 3:00,



4x100m IM on 1:30, 1:40


4x(100m kick on 2:00, 2x50m kick on 1:10)

8x100m FS/paddles on 1:20 + 4x100 pull on 1:40 + 2x50 kick on 1:00

4x(2x50m choice on 1:00 cycle alternating stroke count/20m sprint)

Individual Comments

Set 1: 3x800m


In this first set the swimmers are required to complete a 2400m warm-up. The first 800m effort is completed at a low to moderate intensity with a heart rate of approximately 120-130 beats per minute. No specific time to complete the swim is given in this instance. After a short break of approximately 30 seconds the swimmers then swim 2x400m with the first broken into 50m Freestyle (FS) and Backstroke (BK) laps with a complete cycle time of 5:40. The second 400m is swum Backstroke on a cycle time of 6:00. The third 800m effort is broken into 4x200m swims. The first is straight FS on 2:45. The second is broken into 50m efforts of FS and BK. The third 200m swim is completed as a 200 IM – i.e. 50m of each stroke in IM order. The final effort is up to the swimmer to choose. Most of this work is in FS and BK with a little IM mixed in to incorporate all the major muscle groups and prepare the swimmer for the upcoming sets.

Set 2: 4x400m


The second set is similar to the first but shorter in length and can be completed at a slightly higher intensity. Heart rates should be in the range of 130-150 beats per minute. The set comprises four efforts of 400m. The first and third 400m are completed as 2x200m efforts going FS and BK by 50m intervals on 2:50 for highly trained males and 3:00 for highly trained females. The second 400 is split into 4x100m IM swims on 1:30 and 1:40 for males and females respectively. Sometimes these can be done in reverse order leading off with Freestyle and finishing with Butterfly.

Set 3: 4x(100m kick on 2:00, 2x50m kick on 1:10)


The third set is a little 800m kick set. Many swimmers are weak in kick and this type of set should be completed on a regular basis. Kick sets should address both short efforts, such as the 50 and 100m intervals used in this example, as well as overdistance kick like 200, 400 or even 800m efforts. Swimmers should know their goal time for kick drills as well as the regular interval training in Freestyle and other strokes. The swimmers swim 100m kick trying to hold under 1:30 (for example) on a 2:00 cycle, and follow this with 2x50m efforts on 1:10. Breaststroke swimmers should go on 2:30 and 1:30 cycles to give themselves a little more time.

Set 4: 8x100m FS/paddles on 1:20 + 4x100 pull on 1:40 + 2x50m kick on 1:00


The fourth set of 1,200m involves a combination of pull and kick. Many experienced coaches use these forms of training in combination either in the same set or in adjacent sets. Pull and kick sets are very useful for developing coordination in the stroke and in increasing or decreasing the workload on the upper and lower body respectively. Pull training drills employ hand paddles and a pull buoy between the legs to increase buoyancy. There are many different types of paddles on the market, and it is recommended to try different sizes to determine what suits best. Oversized paddles may change significantly the technique employed for different types of strokes.

Set 5: 4x(2x50m choice on 1:00 as alternating stroke count/20m sprint)


The final set in this session consists of 8x50m efforts. The swimmer can nominate the stroke to be used here. This could be either the mainstroke (FS or form stroke) or the weakest or least efficient stroke. It is good practice to focus extra training on a swimmer’s weakest stroke.


The set is swum on the 1:00 cycle or 1:15 for swimmers using Breaststroke. On the odd efforts – i.e. swims 1, 3, 5, 7 – the swimmer should complete these at moderate pace using the lowest number of strokes possible to complete the lap while holding good technique. This type of work is often referred to as stroke count training. All swimmers should know how many strokes they swim for a 50m lap in Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly and Breaststroke and try and hold this number as the speed increases. On the even numbered swims (2, 4, 6, 8) the swimmers sprint the first 20m and then swim at easy recovery pace through to the end of the lap. Many coaches like to finish with faster work of this type in the belief that the muscles will retain this feel and rhythm for the next sprint session.
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