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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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Many swimmers consume too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for endurance athletes, but this fuel ingestion is blown out of proportion. Excess carbohydrate intake leads to weight gain and overloads the body, decreasing cells elasticity to engulf and utilize glycogen for energy. The following carbohydrate loading protocol is taken from John Berardi, Ph.D. and his endurance eating.  For more information, refer to their website. Intense endurance exercise or repeated efforts, as in swimming, uses carbohydrate (glycogen in the liver and the muscle) and stored fat (triglycerides in the muscle and adipose tissue).

Fat metabolizes slowly, making for a slow utilization. Fats also use more oxygen compared to carbohydrates. These differences make carbohydrates the ideal energy source for endurance athletes. Many believe they use carbohydrate loading before competitions, as they stuff themselves silly with twenty pounds of pasta.

This semi-effected method may help with performance, but is not the most effective.  More sophisticated programs result in significant increases in glycogen stores (sometimes twice as much), allowing more fuel at the end of a race or competition. So, if you're about to compete in long duration races or multiple races (most swim meets), you owe it to yourself to give carbohydrate loading a chance.

How Do I Carbohydrate Load? 

This carbohydrate loading protocol uses three days of low carbohydrates and three days of high carbohydrate intake. The theory behind this difference is to cause an increase in glycogen storing during the three days of low carbohydrate intake, setting your body up for a "rebound" of carbohydrate storage during the three days before the event. As many swimmers know, the three days prior to the event you are resting during taper and eating more carbohydrates to increase glycogen storage. On the three days of less carbohydrate intake, expect a

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