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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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Look forward, look 45 degrees forward, look down? The head position in freestyle is a hotly debated topic. USA Swimming recently made an excellent observation regarding head position in sprint freestyle and bodyline. This piece includes an excellent video, but does not discuss the reasoning behind looking down and when to use this position.

The article makes a great observation, but doesn't discuss why or the potential reasons why keeping the head down is beneficial. Observation is essential, as elite swimmers and coaches are typically ahead of the research, but conclusions and theories are essential from high performance experts! MAKE A HYPOTHESIS FOR WHY THIS METHOD IS SUPERIOR!!! This article was in the High Performance Tips, thanks for the tip now tell me why! I don't know everyone at the High Performance center, but there are some smart cookies and everyone would appreciate them to propose some thoughts and theories other than just write about their observation. I have a

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