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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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Mental toughness is as much about our reaction to an event as it is our preparation for that event. There are going to be times when your race doesn’t go exactly as planned. There are going to be times when you fail, you struggle, or you have to return from injury. This newsletter focuses on resiliency, a necessary mental skill that can help you to cope with the obstacles sport and life throw at you.

So what is resiliency?
The best way to demonstrate the concept of resiliency is by using a rubber band. Take a rubber band and stretch it as far as you can. Now release the tension. After being stretched, it returns back to the form it started in, loose and ready to be stretched again. This is what resiliency is. It’s the ability to bounce back to where you started after your limits are tested or if you’ve been stressed in some way. golf, they have a statistic to measure a player’s ability to be resilient. They call it the “bounce back. Basically, they look at times when a golfer shoots over par on a hole and then how often he gets par or better on the next hole. Essentially, they are looking to see whether they let a bad hole affect the next one. A good example of this in swimming is if you add time in one event how often you are able to drop time in the next event. Ask yourself, “If I swim poorly in one race, do I let this carry over to the next one, or am I able to ‘bounce back’ and reset my mentality?

How do I become more resilient?
I have a friend we call “Teflon,” because any problem he faces never seems to stick. mething bad can happen and he acts like it never affected him. Not everyone is so impervious to stress. Resiliency is a skill that can be learned. One way to become more resilient is to be realistic rather than making everything a reality-show-caliber drama. That is, a bad race is not the end of the world. You will live to race another day. Yes, you are disappointed, as any competitive person should be.

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