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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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What if I told you of a legal sports performance aid, involving zero out-of-pocket cost, and virtually no side effects.  This aid can be used in high mileage or low mileage, IM or free, distance or sprint, age group or master.  Too good to be true?  The answer (as you judged from the title) is SLEEP!

There are two ways to improve in swimming: find ways to make yourself faster, and remove things that make you slower.  Sleep deprivation is one thing that makes you slower.  Adding sleep won’t make you faster than you are like a synthetic suit, but removing sleep deprivation can improve your training return on investment.  (For additional discussion on sleep, see recent articles on Becoming a Morning Person, Jet Lag, and Diurnal Variation) 

Swimmers are generally high achievers outside the water in school and at work.  Other than a select few professionals who can train full time twelve months per year, a full time training load must balance with other “life” factors.  As disciplined and highly motivated folks, swimmers usually find a way to cram everything in, with sleep often sacrificed.  In fact, a culture of sleep deprivation is actually a badge of honor in many circles, particularly in academic settings and in the workplace.  

Swimmers are not immune to this form of informal competition, and often thrive!    Despite the well established claims that exercise can improve sleep quality, as athletes we tend to go beyond moderation in exercise, particularly in sport where two hours of training can be a considered an easy day.  Athletes have exhibited poorer markers of sleep quality than an age and sex matched non-athletic control group.  Compared to non-athlete controls, Leeder (2012) found reduced sleep efficiency and increased sleep fragmentation among a group of athletes.  Sleep fragmentation is as it sounds: a measure of continuity in sleep, with more fragm

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