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  • Tanja Heinz zweifache Deutsche Mastersmeisterin!!!
    Ulrich Ringleb 11.09.2021 14:13
    Großartiger Erfolg! Glückwunsch allen Beteiligten ... :lol:




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Force couples are a familiar term around rehabilitation tables, but seldom discussed on the pool deck. A simple way to think about a force couple is to imagine a pulley system. A pulley-system improves via pulling on one side, or pushing the other end. Even those areas are doing opposing actions; they are coupled to the same result.

A common anatomical force couple is the shoulder blade muscles. In the shoulder blade, certain muscles pull while others push the shoulder blade to achieve shoulder blade upward rotation. This upward rotation is essential to remove the shoulder rotator cuff muscle out of the way of the acromion.

In swimming force couples are groups of muscles performing different tasks to achieve the same goal. On of these force couples is evident in the hip driven freestyle. For example, as the catch occurs on the left side, the spine is rotating left, the right knee and hip are performing flexion. This combined movement is used to seamlessly vortex the body through the water.

Another force couple is during fly. During the initial catch, the hips and spine are flexing, drive water from different areas past one another to maximize propulsion. Can you think of any other force couples? By G. John Mullen founder of the Center of Optimal Restoration, head strength coach at Santa Clara Swim Club, and creator the Swimmer's Shoulder System.

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